The pastoral branch of the pro-life movement seeks to make abortion unnecessary by providing a pregnant mother everything she needs to choose life. The pastoral branch involves personal ministry to anyone considering or affected by abortion. 

Crisis pregnancy centres (also called pregnancy help centres or pregnancy care centres) work to meet a woman’s physical, psychological, and spiritual needs—both before and after birth. Staff or volunteers may counsel a mom about her options, and accompany her throughout the pregnancy, joining her for appointments, and serving as a support team. She can be connected to legal or immigration help, educational opportunities, and medical care. She can be provided with assistance for rent, maternity clothes, and baby items.  

Maternity homes offer new moms a safe place to stay and learn how to raise a child. 

Adoption agencies will make arrangements to place a child with one of many families waiting to adopt.

Other ministries provide post-abortive men and women counselling and healing.

Abby Johnson’s ministry to abortion workers—And Then There Were None—would also be primarily pastoral in nature. 

Below are some groups providing this pastoral care. 

Birthright International 

  • Assists women experiencing unplanned pregnancies; an umbrella group for many local crisis pregnancy centres 


  • Provides help to pregnant moms, including organizing gift registries, and runs an abortion regret group 

Online Care

  • Service for those who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy or are post-abortive + a database of pregnancy centres 

Pregnancy Care Canada 

  • An umbrella group providing direct support and training to local pregnancy care centres 

Project Rachel

  • A ministry to post-abortive men and women run through Catholic diocesan networks

Rachel’s Vineyard

Provides healing to post-abortive men and women through prayerful weekend retreats

Sisters of Life

  • Catholic religious Sisters who serve women vulnerable to abortion and accompany those healing from abortion

Silent No More Awareness Campaign

  • A ministry to post-abortive men & women, with a focus on testimony-sharing 

Below is a list of local crisis pregnancy centres, adoption agencies, maternity homes, and post-abortive ministries. In addition to volunteers, many of these places will often take donations of diapers, baby clothes, and other baby and maternity items. Reach out to see how you can help! 

(Please note that while most of these centres are generally pro-life in nature, their disposition and approach towards abortion varies. Proceed with caution.)