The educational branch of the pro-life movement seeks to make abortion unthinkable. Their aim is to influence the culture. Pro-lifers operating in this branch try to educate the public to understand that a new human being is created at the moment of fertilization and that killing innocent human beings is wrong. They do so through street activism, presentations, conferences, news and literature, advertising campaigns, etc.
Here are some examples of educational organizations.
Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Executes various “End the Killing” projects using abortion victim photography and human rights apologetics; they also coordinate with community groups to do local activism
A non-partisan Christian think tank whose policy areas include faith communities, family, and health
The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research
A research institute that conducts and disseminates research on human life, including abortion and women’s health
Canada’s life and family newspaper
Publishes and sells pro-life books, brochures, and other material
A Catholic and pro-life online news source and petition and fundraising platform
Conducts street activism with abortion victim photography, often in cross-region tours
Develops free educational resources, including curriculum, to instill a sense of self-worth in youth
Offers workshops and keynotes on abortion regret and repentance
While the work of local right-to-life groups is varied and includes political, pastoral, and spiritual elements, their primary purpose tends to be educational. Get connected with your local pro-life community by reaching out to a group in your area: