Will YOU be a part of ending abortion?

“No injustice lasts forever. Dobbs reminds me of that. The question, then, was never whether Canada could ever experience a day like June 24th or will abortion end here, there, or anywhere, but rather, Will we be a part of ending it?

There are many ways to be a part of ending abortion—and the part you play doesn’t have to look the same as others’. That said, we all DO have a part to play. 

The pro-life movement is vast and diverse. Some pro-lifers, like Josie and Ruth, do street activism. Some pro-lifers, like MPs Arnold Viersen and Cathay Wagantall, seek to shape the law. Some pro-lifers, like Carol Butler and the Sisters of Life, counsel pregnant or post-abortive women. 

Typically, the pro-life movement is understood to have three branches: an educational branch, a political branch, and a pastoral branch. 

Blueprint to Ban Abortion

Step 1: Keep raising the issue in political, educational, and cultural spheres.

Step 2: Repeatedly introduce pro-life legislation.

Step 3: Build a pro-life majority in Parliament.

Step 4: Achieve legal recognition of the humanity of the preborn.

Step 5: Ban abortion.

All the branches of the pro-life movement are involved in Step 1 of this blueprint and make subsequent steps possible. All of them will still have a role to play after abortion is banned too, to ensure the sanctity of life remains upheld.

The ROE Canada team encourages you to spend some time prayerfully discerning which area of the pro-life movement God is calling you to get engaged in. It doesn’t hurt to try them all out! 

Of course, to a certain extent, the pro-life cause should influence every area of your life: which charities you donate to, which church you go to, how you vote, your professional choices, etc. Still, we give you examples of groups you can get involved with in each branch of the movement to help you get started.


Sometimes groups are hard to categorize as belonging to one branch versus another. There’s a lot of overlap! Some groups listed below tackle issues other than abortion too. The listing below is not intended to communicate an endorsement, nor is it exhaustive.